How to Choose a Buyer’s Agent

When I am an old woman and look back on my life, I don’t think there’s anything I’ll remember more fondly than the years I spent working as a buyer’s agent. This is often considered an entry level position, but for me it was the ultimate in the helping professions. I could tell you about… Continue Reading

Understanding Various Types of Mortgage Loan Programs

If the last time you shopped for a mortgage was over a decade ago, then you might be surprised by how much the menu of loan offerings has changed. Immediately following the housing crash, mortgage meltdown, and economic recession of the late 2000s, loan programs began to disappear and an overhaul of industry guidelines and… Continue Reading

Long Distance Moves Made Easy!

Hello! Did you miss us? I’ve been contemplating how to begin again here at USMC. It’s been a while and the last thing I want to do is publish self-serving drivel, but at the same time, if the story of my last couple of years can help to better explain how to go about a long… Continue Reading

How Much is My House Worth?

In my long career as a Realtor, one of the most common problems I encountered was homeowners who had absolutely no idea what their homes were worth. That was before things like Zillow and Trulia popped up, but it’s not like the Internet has been able to make a huge dent in this problem. The… Continue Reading

What Are Compensating Factors?

So, you’re interested in getting a mortgage, but you know for a fact that you’re anything but an ideal candidate. You’ve resigned yourself to a life of renting and living under other people’s rules, because there’s no way you’re going to get your debt-to-income ratio into an ideal place and there’s not a house to… Continue Reading