How Much Should I Spend on My Next Home?

It’s inevitable that as spring approaches an increasing hoard of buyers will be flocking to the real estate market. The biggest question everybody’s got in the front of their mind, way ahead of whether or not they’ll find the right house or can get into the best school districts, is how much they should spend… Continue Reading

What are the Pros and Cons of FHA Loans?

First time homebuyers, more than any class of homeowners, tend to be cash poor. That’s not a judgement statement — we all start somewhere. However, compared to other loans, FHA is much more forgiving of your liquidity-related woes. Because of FHA’s low down payments and small reserve requirements, along with options to roll your up-front… Continue Reading

8 Closing Nightmares and How to Manage Them

There are few experiences in life as exciting and stressful as buying a home. It’s a constant rollercoaster ride of thrills and fears, new experiences and cliffhangers that threaten to ruin all your dreams forever. By the time your inspections are over and your Realtor assures you there’s not much left to do but wait,… Continue Reading