What Are Jumbo Loans?

If you’re wondering why mortgages seemingly come in sizes, like tubs of popcorn at a movie theater, you’re not alone. A jumbo mortgage refers to a loan amount that’s higher than the conforming or high-balance loan limit for a particular county. Presently, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac set the maximum loan amount threshold for the… Continue Reading

Understanding Various Types of Mortgage Loan Programs

If the last time you shopped for a mortgage was over a decade ago, then you might be surprised by how much the menu of loan offerings has changed. Immediately following the housing crash, mortgage meltdown, and economic recession of the late 2000s, loan programs began to disappear and an overhaul of industry guidelines and… Continue Reading

Comparing FHA, VA, Conventional, Jumbo and USDA Loans

So you’ve finally landed that promotion, finished college, gotten married or have just gotten tired of throwing your rent money into an endless pit and are starting to investigate the housing market.  Maybe you’ve even spotted a house that you feel a deep emotional attachment to – but before you step one foot inside, you… Continue Reading